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ExtraVM VPS Hosting: High-Performance and Reliable Solutions

2024-09-23 09:30:38阅读 157

ExtraVM Hosting Solutions


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About ExtraVM

Founded in 2014, ExtraVM is a US-based VPS provider specializing in high-defense VPS solutions. Initially utilizing OVH's data centers across Canada, France, the UK, Australia, and Singapore, they offer robust 480G DDOS protection. ExtraVM has since added the Dallas Psychz and Moscow data centers, featuring 20G DDOS protection. They support Paymentwall, including Alipay and WeChat, with fast ticket response times at the Vint Hill location.

ExtraVM Promotions and Discount Deals

Explore ExtraVM's VPS plans at the Dallas data center, featuring AMD processors, unlimited bandwidth from the second plan onwards, 1Gbps network speed, one IPv4 address, and /64 IPv6. Enjoy free DDOS protection with KVM virtualization. Use the following promo codes for discounts:

CPU RAM Storage Bandwidth Promo Code Discounted Price Purchase Link
1 Core 1GB 15GB NVMe 2TB GE3KCUF56B $3/month
2 Cores 2GB 30GB NVMe Unlimited NWL1M824JT $5/month

Data Center Testing

Test the performance of ExtraVM's Dallas data center with the following resources:

Test IP and Speed Test File: https://dal.lg.extravm.com

Discover more about ExtraVM's offerings and promotions. For any questions, feel free to leave a comment below, and we will respond promptly with helpful information!

E x t r a V M , V P S H o s t i n g , D D O S P r o t e c t i o n , D a l l a s D a t a C e n t e r


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